One of the world’s three largest precious trees, which was also used for the bridge and interior of the luxury liner Queen Elizabeth II. Although teaks with good quality are growing naturally in Myanmar, but it will take seven years to be delivered to our hands.
If good material is found in the production area, first bark the tree about 50 cm from the root up to the conduit, followed by killing the tree while standing, girdling, for 2 to 3 years to cut and bring trees to river by elephant. And trees are rafted in a river (raft), which is a reason for taking 3 to 4 years to port.
When carrying trees by elephants, the rope hole made in the log is called an elephant hall, indicating a symbol of good material. Cheek cherished carefully has an elegant and profound feeling, which is the reason of being said that it is a precious tree in a precious wood and is worthy of being called “jewelry tree.”